Remote Work: Tips & Tools For Working Remotely

reviewing work at home in your office

Long before COVID-19 hit, remote work was on the rise. Millennials love freelance work, and more and more companies have begun to accommodate remote work. Given our current circumstances, it’s safe to say remote work is at its highest rates in – well, probably all of history. There are so many tools and tips to list on this subject but … Read More

Tips For Running Your Business From Home

working from home in your office

Given our current circumstances, it’s no surprise telework is on the rise. A lot of us are working from home. Fortunately, there are a number of people who have run home businesses for years, and the tips and tricks they’ve come up with will serve us all well now. There are far too many tips to list in one short … Read More

The Benefits Of Cloud Accounting

using a computer that has a cloud accounting software

The tech industry is all about buzzwords; one of the most popular of these is “the cloud”. The cloud is pretty much everything that isn’t run locally on your computer. Those of you who don’t have cloud accounting yet should get it right away. By all means, shop around, look at the products that are available, talk with your CPA … Read More

How COVID-19 Is Affecting Small Businesses

news on covid 19

Explaining how COVID-19 is affecting small businesses is impossible in one blog post. To be blunt, the situation is dire for many small businesses. Small business owners are worried about laying off staff, losing income, and worse. COVID-19 is affecting many small businesses in terrible ways, especially those in the hospitality industry. Business owners are doing what they always do … Read More