Summer Marketing Ideas For Small Business Owners

welcoming summer and how to market during the summe rmonths

Summer is finally here. The trees are in full bloom, the birds are singing, and dandelions are everywhere. We still seem to be fairly mosquito-free (for now), but the itch to find great summer marketing opportunities is here. To get your creative juices flowing, we have a few ideas you can use as a springboard for your own summertime sale ambitions:

The Right Temperature

Social media has made flash sales a whole lot easier. One way you can take advantage of this is by automatically lowering prices on certain products or services when a particular type of weather hits. Sell umbrellas? Have a flash sale when it rains. Offer refreshing cocktails? Have a flash sale when the temperature gets to a certain threshold. This type of dynamic sale can be really exciting for customers who are probably watching the weather as closely as you are.

Summer Selfies

Travel photo contests are a common feature in summer marketing. This year, there’s liable to be a lot less travel, but you can still encourage customers to submit their best summer selfies. You can get submissions featuring your products, or featuring local businesses you love, or of hidden gems in the city. This tactic encourages active participation with your social media, which can mean new followers and new clients.

Holiday Deals

Canada Day, the August Long Weekend, and even Labour Day present great opportunities for sales. Sales on these days tend to be a bit generic, so feel free to be a bit creative with your discounts. Have a “Made in Canada” discount on Canada Day. Have a discount on items over a certain length for August Long. Give a discount to customers wearing all white on Labour Day (since the old adage says you can’t wear white after Labour Day, though we’ve never known anyone to abide by that). The more creative you are, the more buzz your sale will get.

Pop-Up Shops

In the summer, people love to walk and bike around. That makes the season a prime time for pop-up shops in some of the city’s most well-circulated locations. Though social distancing guidelines may reduce the crowds, you can still expect people at the St. Norbert Farmers Market and the Downtown Farmers Market. Talk with the organizers of events like these and see if you can pop-up every once in a while!

These are just some of the many creative ways you can encourage customers to visit your business in the summertime. Have a best summer outfit contest! Sponsor walk-a-thons! Give free hot dogs and soda pop to passersby! Your imagination is the limit in a season full of happy people who are out and about. At the end of the season, come see us here at Compass Accounting. We’ll help you crunch the numbers to figure out how profitable those summer deals were!