What to Look For In An Accountant

an accountant who is ready to help clients

Finding a professional to work with your business can be a daunting task. The goal is to find someone who understands complex and arcane systems that are integral to your businesses success; lawyers, software developers and accountants, to name a few. The problem is, if those systems aren’t in your wheelhouse, it can be hard to tell who is right for the job and who isn’t; after all, you’re asking about the knowledge that they ostensibly possess which you do not. The tips we give in this article relate specifically to accountants, but similar strategies could be used for anyone in a complex field.

Make Sure They’re a CPA

Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) is the professional designation for accountants in Canada. Previously, there were three separate categories of accountants, which is why you might remember CGAs, CMAs and CAs; all of these designations now fall under the CPA designation. In short, if the person you’re dealing with isn’t a CPA, they haven’t reached the high standards required by Canada’s accounting association; getting a CPA is a wise decision.

Make Sure They Can Speak Your Language

As we mentioned above, one of the trickiest things about speaking to someone who has esoteric expertise is that they know things you don’t. One sign an accountant is going to be a good match for you is if they explain a new concept to you in a way that makes sense; you might learn ways you can save money right there and then, through nothing more than your initial interaction. That’s a good sign that there’s a lot more to come where that came from, and that you’ll be able to understand their perspective.

Make Sure They’re a Good Business Partner

Small business owners are a diverse group of people; so are accountants. Together, you’ll be handling the finances of your business, so you want to have a good understanding of each other’s risk tolerances. You don’t actually want the same exact risk tolerance – something that might be impossible anyway – because different risk tolerances create discussion, and discussion can breed better and new ideas. You also want someone who’s willing to talk about ideas; Winnipeg tax accountants who are open to discussing business strategy with you and to evaluate the pros and cons of any decision you’re considering are a good bet.

Make Sure You Click

You want an accountant who is sincere. Be wary of someone who seems to agree with what you say for no reason, or someone who rejects all of your ideas. You want someone with whom you can have a good conversation, an exchange of ideas that will improve your business and understanding of one another. You’ll want to work with the same accountant for a long time, so a good relationship is a must. Sit down for a coffee with them before you get anything signed, talk about what your goals and dreams are, and see if you click!